Blociau Lliw, Aardman Animation’s colorful and attractive series will begin broadcasting on Cyw at 7am from October 2023.
As well as learning about colours, the series is full of wonderful songs. Lucky for us, our cast aren’t just talented voice actors but they’re fantastic singers. They are: Mared Williams, Gareth Elis, Gwawr Loader, Clare Hingott, Lily Beau and a recent WCMD graduate, Aled Gomer. It was a pleasure to work with such a talented team. A huge thank you to Music Director Dyfan Jones for directing and mixing the songs.
For this series, actor and director Geraint Morgan joined the team, stepping from the other side of the microphone to voice direct the series.
The scripts were brilliantly adapted by Dafydd Emyr and Caryl Parry Jones
The programs were recorded and mixed at Cranc Audio and the editor was Dewi Evans.